

Lip Lady Crystal Blount leaving the Day Spa
Lip Lady Crystal Blount leaving the Day Spa 2014

Thanks for visiting Lip Lady Fashion and Beauty! This site is created for Lipedema Ladies and plus size women by a Lip Lady, Crystal Willis. In my blog, I share my journey to living a full and joyful life with Lipedema. I’ll feature educational posts on my Lipedema experience, as well as inspiration, self-care, beauty, fashion, travel and luxury content.


Lipedema is a hereditary condition for which the cause is unknown, and can create painful and abnormal adipose (fat) accumulations in the extremities (legs and arms) and affect mainly women. Because research and expertise is limited, many of these beautiful and unique women are led to believe by doctors, family, and peers that they simply need to lose weight, that they’re unattractive, and it’s their fault.

As a Lip Girl, age 9, far left with my cousin (middle) and my baby sister (far right, no Lipedema)
As a Lip Girl, age 9, looking too cool for school and ready to party on summer break at Grandma’s house (far left) with my cousin (middle) and my baby sister (far right, no Lipedema)

My story began well before puberty, I started getting called names at school like “thunder thighs” and picked last for team sports in PE class due to having larger, more column like legs than most girls. Doctor after doctor told me to lose weight even at that age…meanwhile I was so slender on top that it made no sense! I definitely started to notice in middle school and high school when I could no longer wear tapered slim fit jeans, but needed a wide-leg or boot cut. I wore a medium junior-size top, but size 12 or 14 jeans. mehighschool It’s my desire to encourage Lip Ladies to embrace their inner and outer beauty, learn how to care for themselves and enhance the natural beauty God gave them, all while raising awareness about this condition. Lip Ladies often struggle with body image issues, like every other woman. We are all in this together, and we are all beautiful in our own way! There is no need for us to hide behind frumpy clothes and neglect our health & beauty! Here are some gorgeous photos of my mother “Lip Lady D” where she embraces her sense of style (in the 80’s and then the 2000’s)!

Lip Lady D, my mom in the 80's
Lip Lady D, my mom in the 80’s (2nd from right in purple dress)


My Mom, Lip Lady D, even after bariatric surgery as a size 2/4 on top, embracing her Lip Lady Diva spirit
My Mom, Lip Lady D, even after bariatric surgery as a size 2/4 on top, embracing her Lip Lady Diva spirit with black stockings, denim pencil skirt, lace top, and gold-belly chain

I came to find out that Lipedema is indeed a hereditary condition of some sort, perhaps caused by a hormonal imbalance or some other cellular level dysfunction. My great-grandmother has it, my grand-mother, my mother, and me. It seems as of now that my 3 sisters have been spared, although some are a bit bottom heavy, and as of now my 15 year old birth-daughter seems to have been spared aside from a beautiful pear shape and strong legs. However, due to the unpredicability of the condition during periods of hormonal irregularity such as puberty, pregnancy, peri-menopause, and menopause, families must stay vigilant to recognize symptoms and seek treatment so that the condition doesn’t worsen and limit mobility over time. I just want to let my hair down and be who I am. I want to encourage other Lip Ladies to love themselves and “let their hair down” when it comes to body image fears. Here’s a pic of me just loving life and tossing aside my insecurities to enjoy the warm waters of Nassau, Bahamas with my cousins!


I’d like to say thank you to all the wonderful doctors, surgeons, Lip Ladies, and their families who contribute to discovering more about this condition and educating all of us. Having the answer for our questions is scary at first, but once we know what we’re dealing with, we can take better care of ourselves.


11 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for helping others with this condition remember that they are beautiful and can do things to take care of themselves and help their condition. The medical community is one that needs to be educated too! My grand mother, your great grandmother was constantly told to just lose weight, walk, exercise, etc. Sometimes those things are not an option if lipidema is real bad. Educate!

  2. I found your page (I’ve looked at so many things now, I don’t remember where, I think the Cure Lipedema FB?) and I’m so happy that I have. I too suffer with this and just really came to the realization. I’ve thought about it from time to time since I first discovered the disease, but it’s only now that I feel I can truly say I know I have it. It kind of makes me feel better to know that it’s not my fault 🙂 Have you had any treatments for it? Seen any specialists? I’d love to hear how you’ve been pro-active with it. I’ll be popping in to check out your blog from now on! Thanks for your bravery and helping to raise awareness… maybe eventually I’ll feel brave enough to tell my story & post my pictures too 🙂 Take care & God bless!


  3. Hi,
    I’d be interested in sharing my story and pre & post op surgery experience. I had surgery 2 months ago.

  4. I am 51 years old and realised last night that I have had this condition for many years. I am upset that there is no cure for it and worried.about my future mobility. I now realise I inherited it from my own mother who despite being tiny and never overweight has always had large legs. I am pretty scared right now.

  5. I have always had a large bottom and small waist nut as I got older my legs got heavier . I am 62 , my legs are unusually heavy ,I can’t lose weight . I’m so worried , I recentl had to quit work because I m so tired . Will some of the weight come off. Will I continue o get larger? I’m scared .

  6. I am a 24 year old college student looking for help. I’ve been noticing I lost weight over the past 2 years yet my legs never seem to get smaller. I did some research and found out I have stage 2 Lipedema. It’s tough living with lipedema and having everyone shame you and humiliate you for something that is out of my control. I am constantly laughed at because I have the figure of a size 4 upper body and legs size 12. What are some ways I can pay for surgery? It’s tough getting by so surgery is really not an option yet a priority. I can not go on longer being the small big girl.

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